Product Summary

Rally Scoring© is a computer software running in Windows 7, 10 and 11.  Can be used on a Mac using Azure Virtual Desktop. It is used to compile results of car rallies using an intelligent "user friendly" interface to speed up results output and minimize errors. An expert system also helps finding hidden errors.

Results can be printed in many formats anytime during a rally using simple's menus. They can be shown on a screen, published on the Web and printed in small typeface so many cars and stages can figure on the same page, or in larger typeface to allow for easy reading from a distance when posted on walls.

For more details on the various types of result forms available, click on: Automated HTML report and others available reports.  A database format (CSV) and Excel is available for most of the report. 

To be able to output detailed reports, check point times must be entered on specific form that have been created to suit the time cards used by the different organization.

Time can also be import from various electronic clock files.  Validation is applied on those values to remove errors.  Many different formats are supported.  At the moment code is ready for Alpha, ECM clock, South Africa clocks grid, RallySafe, EZTrack, Stella and others but other kind of data files can be added.

In order to achieve fast and efficient output, the software "knows" the features of rally scoring.  An "artificial intelligence" has been added to the software but certain parameters still need to be set up. 

Many different reports and listings have to be made to help running efficiently the rally.  You can also look at some current results to see the actual output on the web.

Many different listings have to be made to create start orders. Click here to see the tools.

Here are some of the main features of the software:

Rally Scoring© software is the only one in the world providing live results on screen, on paper and on the Internet even with all the limitations imposed in North America. Here is a rally situation where the software performed with great success:

The program was developed with real situations in mind, and that is why it performs so well in any conditions.

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Latest revision: 14 January 2023